Op 1, 12 Sonate - Sonata No 2 - 4. Giga - Giovanni Zamboni Romano Filho from "Sonate d'Intavolatura di Leuto" (Lute Sonatas), 1718 transcription by Monica Paolini (Ut Orpheus Edizioni CH34, 1998/2009) MIDI - http://www.classtab.org/zamboni_op01_sonata_02_4_giga.mid tabbed by Weed - weed@wussu.com - 10 August 2014 notes and legend below the tab tuning: EADF#BE key: B time: 6/8 CVII________________________ 0 . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . E |----|-------------|-------------|-7=====------|-----0===2-0-|-------------| B |--0-|-0=========--|-------7---7-|---------4-0-|-2-4---------|-4-2-0-------| F#|*---|-0=========--|-9---9---9---|-------------|-------------|---------4-0-| D |*---|-1=====----9-|---9---------|-------------|-------------|-------------| A |----|-2=====------|-------------|-------2=====|-2=====1=====|-2=====------| E |----|-------7=====|=============|=======------|-------------|-------2=====| 8 8 8 6 | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . E |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------| B |-----0---2-0-|-------4=====|-----2-2=====|-----0-0=====|-------------| F#|-2-4---------|-4-2-0-4=====|---2---2=====|---0---0=====|-----4-4=====| D |-------------|-------4-3-1-|-3-----3-1---|-1-----1-----|---3---3=====| A |-------------|-------------|-----------4-|---------4-2-|-4-----4-2-1-| E |-2=====1=====|-2=====------|-------------|-------------|-------------| 11 | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . E |-------------|-------------|-------------|---------1-2-|-------------| B |-------------|-------2=====|-------0-2-0-|---0-2-4-----|-----0-------| F#|-----2-2=====|---2-0-0=====|---2-4-------|-4-----------|---4---2-0---| D |---1---1=====|-------------|-------------|-------------|-----------3-| A |-2-----2-1---|-1=====1-----|-------4=====|-------2=====|-4===========| E |-----------4-|---------4-2-|-1=====------|-2=====------|-------------| 8 8 8 16 | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . E |-------------|------------||----|-------------|-------------|-2=====------| B |-------------|------------||----|-2=========--|-------2---2-|-------------| F#|-0===========|-0=========*||*-0-|-4=========0-|-4-0-4---4---|---------4-0-| D |-------------|-4=========*||*---|-4=====------|-------------|-------------| A |---1-2-4-2-4-|------------||----|-------------|-------------|-------------| E |-2-----------|-2=========-||----|-------2=====|=============|=======2=====| 21 | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . E |-------------|-------2-----|-----0-0-2-0-|-------4=====|-----3-------| B |-----0-0-2-0-|---------4-0-|-2-4---2-----|-4-2-0-4=====|---2---4=====| F#|-2-4---2-----|-4-2-0-------|-------------|-------5-4---|-4-----4=====| D |-------------|-------1=====|-------------|-----------6-|-------5-3---| A |-------------|-------------|-4=====1=====|-2=====------|-----------6-| E |-2=====1=====|-2=====------|-------------|-------------|-------------| 8 8 8 26 | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . E |-----------4-|-0---0-------|-3---3-4-2p0-|-------------|-------------| B |-----4---4---|---4---2p0---|---4---------|-4-2-0-2-0---|-0---0===2-0-| F#|---5---------|-----------4-|-------------|-----------4-|-2-4---------| D |-6-----------|-------------|-1=====2=====|-------1=====|-------------| A |-------2=====|-4===========|-------------|-4=====------|-------------| E |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-4=====0=====| 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 31 | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . E |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------2p0---|-4p2-0-2p0---| B |---0-2-2p0---|-------------|-0===4-4p2-0-|-------0---4-|-----------4-| F#|-3-----0---3-|-2---2-2p0---|-0===2-------|-4p2-0-------|-------------| D |-------1=====|---2-------2-|-1-----------|-------1=====|-2=====1=====| A |-------------|-------4=====|---2===------|-------------|-------------| E |-2=====------|-0=====------|-------0=====|-2=====------|-------------| 8 8 8 8 36 | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . . | . E |-0-----------|-------------|-------------|-------------|------------|| B |---4p2-4p2-0-|-------0=====|-0=====--0---|-0===========|-0=========-|| F#|-------------|-4-2p0-2-----|-0=====----4-|-0===========|-0=========*|| D |-------------|-4=====--4p2-|-1-----4=====|-1-1-2-4-2-4-|-1=========*|| A |-4=====2=====|-------------|---4-2-------|-2===========|-2=========-|| E |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|------------|| 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Notes ----- The lute tuning was probably in G, equivalent to using a capo on the 3rd fret. Zamboni's pieces are sometimes played with the 3 bottom strings tuned an octave lower. The guitar sheet fingering tries to reflect the original lute music. Some of the stretches and held notes show what the composer intended, but may not be the easiest way to play them on a guitar. Legend ------ === - note held 8 - (below the tab) additonal bass note one octave lower in the lute sheet p - pull off CVII - barre on the 7th fret with the 1st finger |--- ---| |--- ---| |*-- --*| repeat the |*-- --*| section |--- ---| |--- ---| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ more classical tabs at http://www.classtab.org