Marco Smaili - Preludio (Prelude 1) (Francisco Tarrega in memoriam - 2015) video: - Marco Smaili video: - Piero Bonaguri rubato (40 bpm) CI~~~~~~~~ 1 6/8 legato arp. arp. > rit. e|---------------|----0---------------|--------------------| B|---------------|--------------3-----|----------0---------| G|----------0-1--|--------2-----------|--1-----4g----------| D|--------3------|-----------0--------|-----3--------------| A|---------------|--------4-----------|--2----------3------| E|---------------|--2g-------------1--|-----------------3--| 4 2 14 4 2 3 4 3 2 mp mf decresc. sf decresc. 4 9/8 a tempo CI~~~~~~~~~ 6/8 > arp. e|------2-5-3------------|--1------4-4--4-4-4--|------4------3---0--| B|--------------------3--|------1--------------|-----0---------4----| G|-----------------2-----|----3----------------|----4---------------| D|--2--------------------|---------------------|---2------3---------| A|---------------2-------|---------------------|--4-----------------| E|-------------0g--------|---------------------|----------3---------| 1 1 4 4 1 2 3 3 4 213 4 12 3 4 p mf mp p cresc. f sf (dolce) 7 fz CI~~~~ arp. 9/8 > > rit. ' a tempo e|---------------0---------|-----1-------0-------|--0---------------------| B|--7--------6--------4-2--|--3-------1----------|-------------------2g3g-| G|-----<7>---------0-------|-------4--------1-2--|--7---------------------| D|-----<7>-----7-----------|-------------3-------|-----8-9--3-------------| A|-------------------------|---------------------|---------------1--------| E|--7----------------------|---------------------|------------3-----------| 23 4 1 4 1 3 4 1 3 1 2 2 3 4 4 3 1 1 4 mf p f p sf mp pp cresc. decresc. cresc. decresc. 10 arp. arp. 3/8 > 5/8 e|--1------------------|--5------0--|---------5--|---------0--| B|--3-----------2------|--7------6--|---------7--|---------6--| G|--0---2-3--3------0--|------------|------------|------------| D|----------------4----|------0-----|------------|------0-----| A|-----------3---------|------------|------0-----|------------| E|---------------------|------6-----|------6-----|------6-----| 6/8 3 2 1 4 14 2 3 2 mp fp cresc. mp cresc. 5/8 + 3/8 CI~~ CII~~ ' poco string 14 6/8 F. > arp. e|---------0-----------------|--2-------------------------| B|--10---------2----------0--|----------------7-----------| G|----------------------3----|-----3------0----------0----| D|-------11---------2--------|-----2----4----------7------| A|------8---------1----------|-------------------5-----8--| E|--9----------3-------------|--3-------------7-----------| 23 1 4 24 3 4 2 3 4 24 1 3 4 f sf decresc. pp p mp pp mf cresc. tasto molto ordinario CIII~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16 > > 9/8 6/8 F. arp. e|-----------0-----------|---------0----5---5----5---5--|-------5------4---0--| B|----2-------------0-1--|--1--3----------0--------3----|-----3----------4----| G|----------------2------|------------2--------5--------|----5----------------| D|-------0---------------|--4----3----------------------|---3-------3---------| A|--4g----------0--------|------------------------------|--5------------------| E|---------2g------------|------------------------------|-----------3---------| 6/8 4 1 2 3 14 3 2 1 4 molto allargando 2 3 a tempo fz cresc. accel. ff decresc. sub. p mp dolciss. CI~~~~~ a tempo CI~~~~~~~~ 19 fz F. F. arp. arp. rit. e|---------------0---------|----1--------0---------|---------------------| B|--7--------6--------4-2--|--3------1----------3--|------------0--------| G|------<7>--------0-------|------3-----------2----|----1-----4g---------| D|-------------7-----------|----------------0------|-------3-------------| A|------<7>----------------|-----------------------|----2----------3-----| E|--6----------------------|-------------2---------|-1g---------------3--| 14 23 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 2 3 4 mp p cresc. decresc. mp decresc. 22 a tempo CI~~~~~~~~~ > CI~~~ e|------2-5-3------------|--1------4-4--4-4-4--|--------------------| B|--------------------3--|------1--------------|-------0----2-------| G|-----------------2-----|----3----------------|-----------------1--| D|--2--------------------|---------------------|-----4g--------3----| A|---------------2-------|---------------------|----------1---------| E|-------------0g--------|---------------------|--4-----------------| 9/8 1 1 4 4 1 2 3 3 4 2 3 p mf cresc. cresc. decresc. mp cresc. decresc. 25 4/8 5/8 rit. F. e|-----------|--------------|---------------|---------------|-----------|| B|-----------|--7-----------|------7--------|------7--------|-----------|| G|-----------|--------0-----|------------0--|---------------|-----------|| D|-----------|--------7-----|------------7--|---------------|-----------|| A|-----------|-----5--------|---------5-----|------------5--|-----------|| E|-----------|--7-----------|------7--------|---------7-----|-----------|| 24 1 3 mp decresc. p decresc. pp decresc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notes and Legend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ left hand fingering (LHF) 1 - index finger 2 - middle finger 3 - ring finger 4 - little finger > - accented, markerd stressed ' - breath mark, luftpause - slight pause <7> - natural (open) harmonic pointing to the 7th fret accel. - accelerating, becoming faster allargando - broadening out, slower and slower with an increase in tone arp. - arpeggiate - ripple upwards from lowest note to highest note bpm - beats per minute (dotted quarter notes) cresc. - gradually louder decresc. - gradually softer dolce - sweetly, gently dolciss. - dolcissimo - very softly, very sweetly f - forte - loud, strong F - Fermata - pause, notes or rests held for longer than their value fp - fortepiano - loud then immediately soft fz - forzando - forced, strongly accented, suddenly louder legato - smoothly mf - medium loud modo - way of playing (modo ordinaire - return to playing normally) molto - much, very mp - mezzo-piano - medium soft p - (bellow the tab) piano - soft, quiet poco - little, a little (poco string. - a little faster) pp - pianissimo rit. - ritenuto - slowing down, suddenly slower rubato - a limited freedom of rhythm and tempo (the time extension applied to one note is taken from an adjoining note or notes) sf - sforzando - forced, strongly accented, suddenly louder stringendo - speeding up and becoming louder subito - sudenly tasto - pluck the strings abocve the fingerboard tempo - speed (a tempo - return to the earlier tempo) CI - barre on the 1st fret CII - barre on the 2nd fret CIII - barre on the 3rd fret ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tabbed by Vlad - revised by the latest version of this tab can be found at