Malcolm Arnold - Fantasy for guitar, Op.107 - I. Prelude (for Julian Bream - 1971) - edited by Julian Bream see Notes and Legend below - 22 November 2023 audio: - Julian Bream (from 0min 40sec) video: - Joseph Regan tuning: E A D G B E key: - time: 4/4, 3/4 tempo: 92 bpm Maestoso (majestic, stately) 1 > > > > CIV CIV e|---------4-----------|--2-----------------|---------4---|--2-----------| B|---------1-----------|--0---------4-------|---------1---|--0--4--------| G|---------3-----------|--0---------4-------|---------3---|--0--4--------| D|---------2-----------|--0---------8-------|---------2---|--0--8--------| A|--0---0------0---0---|-----0---0------0---|------0------|----------0---| E|----0------0---0-----|-------0------0-----|----0--------|--------0-----| 4/4 ff p i p i 1 4 > > > 5 CIV CIII CIII p i p i CI > CIII e|---------------|---------5-----------|--3---------0-------|----------5---| B|--4---3--------|---------3-----------|--1---------0-------|----------3---| G|--4---3--------|---------3-----------|--1---------5-------|----------3---| D|--8---7--------|---------3-----------|--1---------5-------|----------3---| A|----------0----|--0---0------0---0---|-----0---0------0---|------0-------| E|--------0---0--|----0------0---0-----|-------0------0-----|----0---------| 4 4 4 4 34 mf >>> p < < < ff CI CV CIV CIV CIII CIV 9 arp. e|--3--0--------|-------------|---------------|-----4--2---------| B|--1--0--------|--5---4------|--4---3--------|-----1--0--4------| G|--1--5--------|--5---4------|--4---3--------|-----3--0--4------| D|--1--5--------|--9---8------|--8---7--------|-----2--0--8------| A|----------0---|---------0---|----------0----|--0---------------| E|--------0-----|-------------|--------0---0--|-------------5p0--| 4 4 4 4 2 > > > mf >>> mp > > > p < < < ff 13 CIV 3/4 p p p i a i m i m e|-----4--2---------|---------------0------9-12-16--| B|-----1--0--4------|-----------------9h10----------| G|-----3--0--4------|-------------6-----------------| D|-----2--0--8------|---------6h7-------------------| A|--0---------------|---0h4-7-----------------------| E|-------------5p0--|-------------------------------| 4 1 3 2 4 2 1 2 1 1 4 mf molto legato arp. 15 a m i m i a m i p p i m p i m i m i e|--15p14-10---------------------|------------------6h7-11-14--| B|--0--------12-8p7---0----------|----------------7------------| G|--0---------------7------------|--------------8--------------| D|--0-------------------5p4------|--------4-8h9----------------| A|--------------------------5----|------6----------------------| E|----------------------------7--|--6-7------------------------| 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 2 1 2 4 3 4 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 3 arp. 17 a m i m p m i p p i p i m a i m i m e|--15p12---------0---------------|----------------------10-13-17--| B|--0-----13p12-8-----------------|--------------6-10h11-----------| G|--0--------------------0--------|------------7-------------------| D|------------------10p9----------|----0---7h8---------------------| A|-------------------------7------|------8-------------------------| E|--0------------------------8p7--|--6-----------------------------| 4 1 2 1 2 4 3 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 4/4 CXII ~~~~~~~~~ 19 a m i a m i m i p p p p p i m a i m i m i e|--16p15-11----------------------|-------------------0----------12-15-19--| B|--13-------13-9p8---------------|---------------0h1------12h13-----------| G|--13--------------8-------------|-------------0-------12-----------------| D|--------------------10-6p5------|-----------2----------------------------| A|---------------------------6----|-------2h3------------------------------| E|-----------------------------8--|--4p3-0---------------------------------| 14 3 1 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 4 3 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 4 arp. > 21 a a m i a i m i p p p p p CIV e|--17p15-12---------0---------------------|-----4--2---------| B|--0--------13p12-8-----------------------|-----1--0--4------| G|--0-----------------------0--------------|-----3--0--4------| D|---------------------10p9---2------------|-----2--0--8------| A|------------------------------3p2--------|--0---------------| E|--0-------------------------------3-0-3--|-------------5p0--| 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 3 1 4 < < < ff arp. 23 CV CIV CIII e|-----5--3--0------|--------------|-----------------|---------4-----------| B|-----3--1--0------|--------5-----|--4-----3--------|---------1-----------| G|-----3--1--5------|--------5-----|--4-----3--------|---------3-----------| D|-----3--1--5------|--------9-----|--8-----7--------|---------2-----------| A|--0---------------|--0-----------|-----0------0----|--0---0------0---0---| E|-------------5p0--|--------------|----------0---0--|----0------0---0-----| 4 4 34 4 4 4 mf > > > > > > p < < < ff 27 > CIV arp. e|--2---------------|------4[16]----|-----------------|| B|--0--------4------|-------1-------|-----------------|| G|--0--------4------|-------3-------|-----------------|| D|--0--------8------|-------2-------|-----------------|| A|----0---0------0--|----0----------|----------<19>---|| E|------0------0----|--0------------|----<12>---------|| pizz. > > > mf > > > p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notes and Legend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ left hand fingering (LHF) right hand fingering (RHF) 1 - index finger p - thumb 2 - middle finger i - index finger (forefinger) 3 - ring finger m - middle finger 4 - little finger a - ring finger (annular) CI barre on the 1st fret CIII barre on the 3rd fret CIV barre on the 4th fret CV barre on the 5th fret CXII barre on the 12th fret fortissimo ff - very loud mezzo forte mf - medium loud piano p - soft mezzo piano mp - medium soft bpm - beats per minute (quarter notes) Maestoso - majestic, stately arp. - arpeggiate rubato - expressive and rhythmic freedom (temporary disregard strict tempo) molto - much, very legato - notes tied together, they should be played in a smooth manner, without leaving any space between them pizz. - pizzicato - muted form of plucking, with a shorter sustain (short, percussive effect rather than sustained) h - hammer-on p - pull-off > - (above the tab) accented, marked, stressed < < < - (below the tab) crescendo - becoming louder > > > - (below the tab) decrescendo - becoming softer CI - barre on the 1st fret CII - barre on the 2nd fret CIII - barre on the 3rd fret CIV - barre on the 4th fret CV - barre on the 5th fret <12> - natural harmonic on the 12th fret <19> - natural harmonic on the 19th fret 4[16] - artificial harmonic, play 4th fret, point to the 16th fret ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tabbed by Vlad - revised by the latest version of this tab can be found at